Parent Child Interactive Therapy - PCIT

Pulling your hair out over troubling behaviors?

Many mums and dads experience pesky behaviors from their little ones, but do you feel at your wit’s end? Are you pulling your hair out every day dealing with tantrums and noncompliance? Parent Child Interactive Therapy (PCIT) may be for you. This well-researched modality has been proven to help parent(s) deal with their children’s unwanted behaviors and is found to be perfect for addressing the behavioral issues of young children specifically. Not only that, but PCIT has also been proven to help quickly, something all busy parents can appreciate!
Parent Child Interactive Therapy - PCIT

Who can benefit from PCIT?

 2 to 6-year-old child exhibiting the following behaviors:

  • Doesn’t listen to adults and defies requests
  • Has temper tantrums
  • Takes or breaks other’s things
  • Hits or kicks others and starts fights
  • Annoys others on purpose
  • Can’t sit still
  • Can’t play alone
  • Can’t play quietly
  • Has difficulty taking turns
  • PCIT is also appropriate for children who have experienced stress or trauma.


PCIT is fun for both the parent and child. PCIT places a great deal of emphasis on caregivers. They are at the heart of the program and PCIT understand the critical role that caregivers play in raising a child. All caregivers can benefit from this program, including parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, legal guardians, and residential caregiver staff!

What is PCIT?

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a 12 to 20 week-coaching program that teaches caregivers skills and techniques to improve their child’s behavior. While the caregiver and child play together, a PCIT therapist coaches the caregiver and trains them in how to curb negative behaviors and form a trusting bond with the child, while increasing positive behavior.

The 2 main goals of PCIT:

  • Promoting effective behavior management/discipline techniques
  • Enhancing a positive relationship between parent and child

The 2 basic PCIT interactions:Child-Directed Interaction

The parent follows child’s lead while

  • Implementing PRIDE skills (Praise, Reflect, Imitate, Describe, and Enjoy)
  • Ignoring annoying behavior
  • Controlling dangerous behavior

Parent-Directed Interaction

Parents learn how to use effective commands and specific behavior management techniques as they play with their child, including

  • Effective time out procedures
  • How to manage behaviors in real-world settings
  • How to help their children listen

How do I learn the PCIT skills?

You will learn the skills of PCIT from in-session, direct coaching by your therapist.

As you and your child play, your therapist will observe and give feedback and direction to you through an earpiece worn by you. Out of session, you will be given homework to practice the skills you learn in session.

Advantages of live coaching:

  • Skills are acquired more rapidly because caregivers learn by doing
  • Therapist supports caregivers as they learn the PRIDE skills
  • Caregivers quickly become confident and proficient in skills with child
  • Therapist provides immediate feedback to caregivers on what they are doing well and provide in-time support with skills they may have more difficulty mastering.

How do I get help or learn more?

It’s easy! Just click on this link and provide the requested information so that one of our caring team members can contact you. Please allow two business days for a response.

You may also call us at: (407) 657-6692

If this is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 immediately.

Refer Your Child

Check out PCIT International for more information